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1854 - Census Bendery 1854 - Parkansky Duvid


REVIZSKAJA SKAZKA (CENSUS) April 29, 1854, Bendery. Jewish population.

Meschane. Males (#94)
Duvid, son of Gersh Parkansky (Parkanskij), Middle Class, 21 years old in the previous census, currently 26 y.o.
His son Lejzer: 2 y.o. (born 1852)
His (Duvid's) brothers:
Juzip (or Iuzip): 15y.o - 20 y.o.
and Jankel' (or Iankel): 7y.o. - 12y.o.

Corresponding Record for Females (#66):
Duvid's wife Gudlja (Gudlia), 25 years old
daughter Majka (Maika) o Malka: 3
wife of Juzip Rukhlja (Rukhlia)), 18 years old
Duvid's mother Masja (Masia) 35 y.o.???
Duvid's sisters: Perlja (Perlia) 6 y.o and Sura 8 y.o.

Page# 20
Fond/opis/delo 134/2/314
FHL: Microfilm# 2373292

See details of:
* Person: Gundlea ?, Malca / Masea ?, Ruhlea ?, Duvid PARKANSKY, Gershko (Gersh) PARKANSKY, Iankel PARKANSKY, Iozep/Iusic PARKANSKY, Malca PARKANSKY, Perlea PARKANSKY, Sura PARKANSKY

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